We’ve had another exciting year, but could 2022 be your year to turn things around and make your mark as a Canadian author?
There is no denying that 2021 was a rough year. Unfortunately, it started rough in 2020, and 2021 didn’t fail to disappoint us in Canada. If you’re an author or aspiring author, then 2021 could have been full of ups and downs, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t turn things around in 2022 and seize the day!
As authors ourselves, the last few years have been rough. As business owners, it’s been a similar experience. However, in 2022, we’ve decided to seize the opportunity and build on our presence as authors and business owners who help self-published authors in Canada publish their books.
We have experienced the ups and downs of the publishing world. No one ever said that becoming a published author was easy, but it sure is sometimes rewarding! All it takes is one kind word, one nice review, or one photo sent in from someone who loves reading your books to make it all worthwhile.
We’re rolling into 2022 strongly, and we’d love for you to join us! If you’re a Canadian author or a North American author who needs assistance with their manuscript, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We have an experienced and professional team that’s standing by, ready to help make your dream of becoming a published author a reality. Make 2022 your year!
Could 2022 Be Your Year As A Canadian Author? – Conclusion
Examine what happened in 2021 and see how you can turn it around in 2022. We’re fortunate enough to be living in a time when we have unprecedented access to information. Information is one of the most valuable tools in our possession. You can learn a lot in a few hours of research.
If you have been waiting to hit that publish button on a book, why wait? What’s holding you back, and what do you need help with?
At Indie Publishing Group, we’re proud to assist Canadian and North American authors in self-publishing their work. If you are in the process of writing a book and need any assistance with paperback or ebook formatting, cover design, professional editing, or uploading to self-publishing sites such as Amazon KDP and Ingram Spark, please don’t hesitate to reach out and contact us.
Our experienced and professional self-publishing team is standing by to assist you with your self-publishing dreams.
2022 could be your year to start that career as an author! Don’t let fear or anything else hold you back from becoming the best version of yourself.