Author Resources

When you start out on the journey of becoming an independent author, you are always looking for helpful author resources. These could be sites where you can publish your books, review sites, marketing sites, publishing assistance, author assistance, and much more.



To help make your journey a little easier, we’re going to list some author resources that we have found helpful for both us as authors as well as other independent authors.



This list of author resources will be constantly updated and refreshed as we find new websites and groups. If you have any questions or would like to talk to us about how we can help you format or edit your book, then don’t hesitate to contact us!


Our friendly and professional team is always happy to help!



Author Associations and Groups 

Alliance of Independent Authors

The Alliance of Independent Authors (ALLI) is an open and diverse organization with a core mission of ethics and excellence in self-publishing. Anyone who shares these aims, and wants to self-publish well, is welcome to join them. Some of the services they offer include ALLi Author Website Badge, Author Profile and listing, Advice Forums, Contacts and collaboration, Members’ Showcase, Sell More Books Program, Rights and Contract Advice, Handbooks and guides, Discounts and deals, Free Guidebooks, and Affiliate Program.



Author Resources Book Review Websites & Book Contests 

Readers’ Favorite – Book Reviews and Award Contests 

Another exciting company that offers authors a free review for their books is Readers Favorite! Along with free book reviews, they also have an awesome book contest. Readers’ Favorite is the fastest-growing book review and award contest site on the Internet. They have earned the respect of renowned publishers such as Penguin Random House, Simon & Schuster, and Harper Collins and have received the “Best Websites for Authors” and “Honoring Excellence” awards from the Association of Independent Authors.



They are also very proud to be fully accredited by the BBB (A+ rating), which is a rarity among Book Review and Book Award Contest companies.



Readers’ Favorite Book Award Contest – Enter Today!



Best Indie Book Award

The Best Indie Book Award™ (or BIBA™) is an annual literary award contest recognizing independent authors in major genres. Entries are limited to independently (indie) published books, including those from small presses, e-book publishers, and self-published authors.



The Best Indie Book Award™ is an international, self-published writing contest open to all countries. Submissions must be written in English. You can enter HERE or click the picture to the right!



Indie Readers Discovery Awards

Welcome to the IndieReader “Discovery Awards” (IRDAs)—where undiscovered talent meets people with the power to make a difference. With the rush by traditional publishers to sign indies and their noteworthy bestselling status, there’s no longer much doubt that indie authors can be both commercially and creatively successful. All that was left to do was create a credible vehicle by which to find them. That’s where the IRDAs come in.



What makes the IRDAs so unique is their extraordinary panel of judges, including top agents, people who work in traditional publishing, PR pro, bloggers, and book reviewers–a virtual who’s who of some of the most important people in publishing today. To enter, click HERE or click the picture to the right.



Author Resources Self-Publishing Platforms

Below is a list of popular self-publishing platforms where you can upload and manage the sale and distribution of your own books. Each platform offers a variety of different distribution options when it comes to e-books, print books, audiobooks, and expanded distribution.



Simply click the websites below to be taken directly to their website.



Paperbacks and E-Books


E-Books Only

  • Smashwords – E-Books – Offers Expanded Distribution.

Audio Books

Well edited books sell better.
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