Don’t Leave Printing Your Books Too Late!

Don’t Leave Printing Your Books Too Late!

Don’t leave printing your books too late! If you plan on getting books printed before the holidays, you better act fast!


Regardless of whether you’re printing your books through Amazon, Ingram Spark, or a private printer, it’s almost too late to get those holiday copies done. October, November, and December are some of the busiest times for releasing new books and people stocking up on author copies for sales, promotions, and giveaways.

The last thing that any author wants is to run out of copies in the middle of the holidays. So, when is the best time to order copies of your book? Usually, if you’re planning on a large run of books over the holidays, you should look at getting them printed no later than September.

This gives you a little extra leeway when it comes to printers getting behind or shipping companies falling behind. Unfortunately, one of the side effects of the pandemic this year has been that shipping has been a little more chaotic than usual.

We’re currently seeing large ships packed full of freight from overseas sitting outside ports for weeks on end, waiting to be unloaded. All of this is having a flow-on effect on domestic shipping. Packages that usually take a week are taking two, and additional people ordering goods and services online add even more pressure to an already strained transportation system.

If you’re still on the fence about ordering copies of your book, then you better act fast! Any later than the first week in December, your books may not arrive in time, and you could end up waiting until after January.


Tips for Ordering Paperback Books

  1. Don’t Over Order – The minute you unpack those books, and they’re sitting around in your office or home, they are starting to devalue. Dust, bumps, dirt, sunlight, and being moved around can all decrease the value of your books.
  2. Order What You Need – Instead, order what you need, and if you order a few extra copies, then leave them in their shipping boxes. This will help protect them from the elements.
  3. Order Them A Month Early – If you need to order many books, then get in early and order them a month before you really need them.


Don’t Leave Printing Your Books Too Late! – Conclusion

Having copies of your books around the office is great, but all too often, they become worthless because of wear and tear and changes. It’s not uncommon to discover a typo or edit, and then all of those paperbacks or hardcovers you already printed are losing value.

Ordering only what you need and ordering them early is the best strategy to ensure that you have books ready for the holidays.

At Indie Publishing Group, we’re proud to assist Canadian and North American authors in self-publishing their work. If you are in the process of writing a book and need any assistance with paperback or ebook formatting, cover design, professional editing, or uploading to self-publishing sites such as Amazon KDP and Ingram Spark, please don’t hesitate to reach out and contact us.

Our experienced and professional self-publishing team is standing by to assist you with your self-publishing dreams.

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