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Kelly Jennings and The Golden Knight

 Author: Anissa Papadakos  Genre: YA Fiction  Country: Australia

Kelly falls asleep in the shade of an old oak tree wishing to be more than just an ordinary teenager.

An orphaned swan princess from another time, a distant galaxy, plays her harp deep within the burrows beneath the same old oak tree; hoping music will bring her some comfort. The tension between the companions has been far too great as of late, especially between Vlad the rat and Dyllon the old toad. Not to mention the crazy antics of Tovah the owl, whose obsession with Holy Water has brought no comfort to the inhabitants of the burrow either.

The sweet melody of the harp stirs something deep within Kelly as she slumbers – ancient magic. With the stroke of each string, visions suddenly appear of a great war, a lost babe and a mysterious blue eyed warrior. It all feels so real, as if the dreamer is a part of it.

Startled by the visions and the familiarity of the warriors eyes, Kelly runs home not knowing that life as she knew it will never be the same, including that of the companions who have called this planet their home for forty long years.

With each new day, the magic grows, causing Kelly to question everything that she has ever known – her teachers, her parents and her purpose.

Nights are bombarded by dreams. Dreams of a long lost tomb and a mysterious golden knight forever asleep on a bed of rosemary until… he moves, grabbing Kelly by the arm. She wakes screaming, panting and covered in her sweat yet relieved as it was only a dream, a bad dream, a nightmare and now it was over. But the relief is short lived – the golden knight’s glove is pulled through making the dream as real as can be and in turn turning Kelly’s world upside down.

Nothing makes sense anymore. As the days go by, her relationship with her beloved parents dwindles but the magic within continues to grow, gifting her with strength, sight, speed and hearing – extraordinary unearthly powers. Powers which are also part of the key to re-opening the portal and going back home to save their home from an unimaginable evil. The small motley crue of companions from another galaxy, the golden knight and an ordinary girl from earth will uncover that they have a lot more in common than they could possibly ever imagine.
