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Henrietta Hedgehog’s Prickly Problem

 Series: Critter Collection  Author: Carole P. Roman  Genre: Children's Book  Reading Age: Ages 3-5, Ages 6-8  Country: USA  Buy Now

Henrietta Hedgehog is having a bad day.

She doesn’t want to go to school. When her mother questions her, Henrietta admits that she doesn’t want to be a hedgehog anymore.

Henrietta’s quills make her feel unapproachable, and the other kids don’t want to be her friend.

Henrietta comes up with a plan to fit in but discovers that sometimes the most important person to accept you is yourself.

Join Henrietta and her critter companions as they learn that the things they might not like the most about themselves can be more important than they realize.

Other Books By - Carole P. Roman
