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- The heArt of Being
 Author: Jamie Millard  Genre: Poetry  Buy Now

The shift from fear to love is the miracle of our lives!

Have you been to yourself
in all of this noise?
Are you living your dreams?
Does your soul have a voice?
When you close your eyes,
what do you see?
Where your heart meets your soul,
who must you be?
Will your why be your way?
How will you tell your story?

This book is an interactive space to guide you into a deeper conversation with your own authenticity. Let it be your guide as you live into your own purpose. The path of discovery is to find and to be found by the poetry within.

Cuoreosity is a poetic invitation to live into the questions. The questions that have no right to go away. The questions that deal with who we are becoming. The word for heart in Italian is “Cuore”. The suffix, “osity”, reflects “the quality of being.” ‘Cuoreosity is a journey into the heArt of our Being! The journey inwards. The journey to our soul. On the wings of these words, heart broken loose on the wind, soul ignited, may we come home to love.

The door only opens from the inside!
