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Antuna’s Story

 Series: The Antunite Chronicles  Author: Terry Birdgenaw  Genre: YA Fiction  Buy Now

Imagine yourself sucked through a wormhole.

Could you thrive on a far-off planet?

You’ll love Antuna’s Story because she knows the secret to survival.

Antuna understands her multi-insect colony must work together to flourish.

But what happens when evil forces corrupt her world?

Antuna and her unlikely bee, spider, and termite pals face struggles between instinct and intelligence and altruism versus aggression.

Can diversity triumph over discrimination, and inclusiveness trump segregation?

An allegory for modern times, where innocents are attacked by those seeking power.

When a tale about the joy of friendship is eclipsed by the horrors of war.

Will Antuna save her friends from impending doom?
Find out now!

Other Books By - Terry Birdgenaw
