What Is eBook Formatting?

What is ebook formatting, and how does your manuscript get from your computer to someone’s Kindle or tablet? A common question many new authors have when they first start going down the road of self-publishing is, ‘What is eBook formatting?’ So, what is eBook formatting, and why does it matter? When someone goes to […]
Why Professional Book Formatting Pays Off!

If you have ever tried to read through a great book with poor formatting, you already know why! Poor formatting can ruin a great book, but professional book formatting is worth every cent of your investment! Professional book formatting is the foundation of any great book. Just like getting your book edited and proofread […]
5 Important Tips To Remember Before You Self-Publish Your Book!

Before you hit the publish button on your next book, make sure that you have nailed down these 5 important tips to remember before you self-publish your book! Before you hit that publish button, it’s important to take some time to ensure that your book or manuscript is 100% ready to publish. Often, the […]
Top 5 Formatting Mistakes That Every Author Needs to Watch Out For!

Here are 5 formatting mistakes that every author needs to look out for! Below we have the Top 5 Formatting Mistakes That Every Author Needs to Watch Out For! It doesn’t matter if you are a seasoned author, or just and indie author. When You’re setting out to self-publish your first book, formatting is […]
What is Book Formatting?

As an Indie Author, Once You’re Done with Your Manuscript, and It’s Been Edited and Proofed, You’ll Find Yourself Needing Book Formatting. So, what is book Formatting? Good question! We could write a long article about it, but this isn’t an instructional article on how to format your book. This is the quick and […]
What Do Authors Need to Know Before Book Formatting?

You are ready to start formatting your book, but are you really? So, what do authors need to know before book formatting? Before you look at book formatting, it’s important to make sure that everything is perfect! Indie authors and self-published authors pay attention! In the following blog, we will go through all the […]
Best Fonts for Books

This is Our List of the Best Fonts for Books! When it comes to book formatting, one of the biggest decisions we have to make is about the fonts for books we choose. There is a lot to consider, and each formatter will have their preferences for what they like to use. There are […]